What is Ruby on Rails used for?

What is Ruby on Rails Used For?

Ruby on Rails is a powerful web development framework that has revolutionized the way developers create web applications. It is based on the popular programming language Ruby and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, and is designed to make web development faster and easier. With Ruby on Rails, developers can quickly and easily build web applications that are both powerful and scalable.

At its core, Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. The MVC architecture is based on the idea of separating the application into three components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model is responsible for managing the data and the business logic of the application. The view is responsible for rendering the user interface. The controller is responsible for processing the user input and making requests to the model.

One of the main advantages of using Ruby on Rails is that it is highly productive. Rails makes it easy to quickly build complex web applications with less code. This is because Rails is built on a convention-over-configuration principle, which means that developers don’t have to write a lot of configuration code to get a working application. Instead, Rails follows a set of conventions that make it easier to quickly build applications with less code.

Another advantage of Ruby on Rails is that it is highly scalable. Rails is designed to make it easy to add additional functionality to a web application without having to rewrite a lot of code. This makes it ideal for applications that need to grow and evolve over time.

Ruby on Rails is also highly secure. Rails follows a number of security best practices, such as using strong encryption algorithms, using secure authentication methods, and using secure coding practices. This makes it harder for attackers to gain access to a web application.

Finally, Ruby on Rails is an open source framework, which means that it is free to use. This makes it attractive for developers who don’t want to spend money on expensive commercial software.


Ruby on Rails is a powerful and popular web development framework. It is based on the popular programming language Ruby and the MVC architecture, and is designed to make web development faster and easier. It is highly productive, highly scalable, highly secure, and open source, making it an attractive choice for developers. Whether you are looking to build a new web application or scale an existing one, Ruby on Rails is a great option.