Is Ruby on Rails A Dying language?

Is Ruby on Rails A Dying Language?

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web development framework written in the Ruby programming language. It was first released in 2005 and has since become one of the most popular frameworks for web development. Despite its popularity, there is some debate about whether or not Ruby on Rails is a dying language. In this article, we’ll explore the arguments for and against the idea of Ruby on Rails being a dying language.

The Pros of Ruby on Rails

One of the primary advantages of Ruby on Rails is its scalability. It allows developers to quickly and easily build complex web applications that can scale with the demand. It also has a large and active community of developers, which makes it easier to find help and support when needed. Additionally, it has a wide range of tools and features that make it easier to create and maintain complex web applications.

The Cons of Ruby on Rails

One of the primary drawbacks of Ruby on Rails is its lack of flexibility. It is often difficult to customize applications to meet specific requirements, and its code can be difficult to maintain. Additionally, Ruby on Rails is not as widely supported as other web development frameworks, which can make it more challenging to find help when needed.


While there are some drawbacks to using Ruby on Rails, it is still an incredibly popular web development framework. It is highly scalable, easy to learn, and has a wide range of tools and features that make it easy to create and maintain complex web applications. While it may not be the best choice for every project, it is certainly not a dying language.